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What Does Hand Therapy Provide?
What Does Hand Therapy Provide?
Preventative, Non-operative or conservative treatment
- Management of acute or chronic pain
- Desensitization following nerve injury or trauma
- Sensory re-education after nerve injury
- Design and implementation of home exercise programs to increase
- motion, dexterity, and/or strength
- Splint fabrication for prevention or correction of injury
- Training in the performance of daily life skills through adapted
- methods and equipment
- Conditioning prior to returning to work

Postoperative Rehabilitation may additionally include:

- Management of open or sutured wounds (prevention of infection and
- assistance in healing)
- Control of hypertrophic (raised and/or swollen) or hypersensitive
- scars
- Reduction of swelling
- Fabrication of orthoses to protect surgery or increase movement
- Instruction in Home Exercise Program

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