What is Hand Therapy?
What is Hand Therapy?
Hand Therapy is a type of rehabilitation performed by an occupational therapist on patients with conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities. Such therapy is performed by a provider with a high degree of specialization that requires continuing education and, often, advanced certification. This enables the hand therapist to work with patients to hasten their return to a productive lifestyle.
Who is a candidate for Hand Therapy?
Who is a candidate for Hand Therapy?
Patients who are candidates for hand therapy may have been affected by an accident or trauma leaving them with wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures, or even amputations of the fingers, hands, or arms. Others include patients who suffer from the effects of conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow, as well as from such chronic problems as arthritis or a neurologic condition (i.e., stroke).
1325 Franklin Ave LL Suite 105, Garden City NY 11530, (516) 280-8811